Trail names
It is customary for long distance hikers to be given a trail name.We have met ‘Socks’, ‘Pockets’, ‘Semper Gumby’ (always flexible), ‘Crunchmaster’ (crunches the miles and once managed 52 miles in one day), ‘Smiles’ who hikes with him, ‘Rockstar’, ‘Hot Ham’ (carried ham into a hot desert section and ate it and lived to acquire the name), ‘Indy’ (hated snakes), Magellan (bad sense of direction), ‘Moses’ (seen talking to a bush) and many others.Ros got the name “Compass” some time ago, due to her lack of sense of direction (we could have ended up in Mexico a couple of times).A couple of days ago, Robert was named “Moss” for obvious reasons.